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Afrika Mandela Ranch

Ecovillage - Farm - Ecological School

A Sustainable Future for Africa: Caring for the Earth and People

AFRIKA MANDELA RANCH is a place of research, initiatives, and experimentation, aiming to propose alternative and innovative solutions to environmental and community problems, respecting the land and human beings.

Our objectives are: promoting north-south, south-north exchanges; promoting educational, health, vocational training, cultural, and sports projects; reviving the local economy by creating jobs and activities capable of generating income; raising awareness of sustainable agroecology to promote biodiversity and safeguard a still precarious ecosystem.

Afrika Mandela Ranch

The place


Rao, St. Louis, Senegal.

Rao is the closest town (3 km) .

St. Louis is the capital of the St. Louis Region, 20 km from Afrika Mandela Ranch.

Afrika Mandela Ranch

Project for a Rural Community of ECO-VILLAGES

Afrika Mandela Ranch aims to be the focal point of an eco-friendly production system and
the satisfaction of primary needs – food, health, education – for the geographical area of the Rao district where various villages are located and various ethnic groups live.

Stimulating people’s commitment, enhancing local resources, and sharing experiences are the keywords of this path, which can contribute to creating a sustainable future for AfriKa and impact slowing down the
phenomenon of emigration.

Developing the local economy and providing opportunities for young people to stay means:

Educazione e Cultura ad Afrika Mandela Ranch


Promoting educational, health, vocational training, cultural, and sports projects.

Formazione professionale e lavoro ad Afrika Mandela Ranch


Creating jobs and activities capable of generating income, specifically through sustainable cultivation, biodiversity preservation, and care for a still precarious ecosystem.

Afrika Mandela Ranch


Encouraging mutual cultural and knowledge exchanges between the south and the north of the world.

The villages of the rural community:
  • Mbondy – 150 inhabitants
  • Kalassan – 500 inhabitants
  • Keer Saer – 300 inhabitants
  • Ngaina – 200 inhabitants
  • Yamane – 300 inhabitants
  • Gantour – 700 inhabitants

Afrika Mandela Ranch

Activities and Projects

Afrika Mandela Ranch

Ecological Farm

To date, thousands of trees have been planted to contribute to the Great Green Wall of Africa project.

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Afrika Mandela Ranch

Education, Training and Sport

Serenity, peace, reflection, respect, cooperation, solidarity, dignity and pride in one’s culture.

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Health and Prevention

The Mother and Child Prevention and Protection Center and the pharmacy.

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Eco-friendly tourism and Culture

With the Ecolodge project at Afrika Mandela Ranch we want to develop and support eco-friendly tourism.

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Thanks to

Speexx - Business Coaching e formazione linguistica in azienda
Pusterla Architetti
Webindustry - Tecnica e Progettazione Web
Liquilab - Bottega di memorie e identità giovanili
association seb mali
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