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Thatched Roof restoration

The first typha thatched roofs were built in 2014, ten years ago. Despite regular maintenance, the strong winds during the 2023 rainy season caused some damage, making it necessary to restore these structures to their original splendor.

In 2014 and 2015, around fifty people were trained in the European technique of thatched roof installation, turning this skill into their profession. For the restoration work, we involved a local team of artisans. Mamadou Mbaye, Jean Baptiste, Ibrahima, and Mohammed performed excellent work, thanks to which 13 huts were completely renovated and brought back to life.

These thatched roofs provide exceptional thermal insulation, transforming the huts into true bioclimatic dwellings. The restoration was essential to ensure their durability, and now the typha thatched roofs are ready to last for many more years.

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this project: your support was crucial in making all this possible. Together, we can achieve much more than advancing alone. By joining forces, anything becomes possible!

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Toits de chaume
Toits de chaume
Toits de chaume
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Speexx - Business Coaching e formazione linguistica in azienda
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Webindustry - Tecnica e Progettazione Web
Liquilab - Bottega di memorie e identità giovanili
association seb mali
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